by Yoni Edery | Mar 31, 2020 | Shabbat & Yom Tov
Hi i know by the Tshuva by the fridge light the Rav says that Electricity is Safek Mdoriysa Safek Mdrabunan. so i want to jnow if this safek is only where it plugs into the wall? Or if it comes from a battery (like a phone,laptop, etc.) is it Mdrabanan forsure?...
by Yoni Edery | Mar 30, 2020 | Kashrut
Hi one time the rav told me that we need to wait 6 hours in between ALL cheese and meat. can you please explain? thanks alot!
by Yoni Edery | Mar 30, 2020 | Kashrut
Hi i want to know what the rav holds of chalav stam and why. because i saw a letter written by Reb Moshe Zt”l that his heter was for shas hadchak. thanks very much!
by Yoni Edery | Mar 30, 2020 | Kashrut
Hi i want to know what the rav holds about eating wheat in amerixa and why. because ive heard that all the heterim (bach, aruch hashulchan) were written in a very dochak situation. thanksb