Last questions at midnight

Looking forward to another reasonable and spiritual Pesach experience. after midnight I won’t be answering any more questions. Chag Sameach, y’all. leshana haba’ah we will have a whole new website. Stay tuned. AA

Zoom Seders

Everyone is asking about Zoom Seders. Can we Zoom for the Seder. If you don’t know what that is, ask your children or grandchildren. I barely know myself. Lol. The concept of using a mobile device or even laptop on Shabbos or Yom Tov has become a major political issue...


In your Pesach list the first thing listed is beer (all brands). Is this a mistake? How can beer be kosher for Passover?

A piece I wrote many years ago…

Judaism: What exactly are we selling here? by Aaron Abadi Take a 36 year old guy named Douglas Weisensteinberg who lives in Nebraska. He works at the GM plant there, on the assembly line. He knows that his family is Jewish and that there were these laws that they...