by kashrut_admin | May 13, 2021 | Kashrut
1. does seltzer in general need a hechsher if the only 2 ingrediants are carbonated water and natural flavors? 2. And what about this Aha in particular?
by kashrut_admin | May 8, 2021 | Kashrut
Is chadash bchutz laaretz mutar? If so, is there still value in being machmir to take into account those of the position that it is assur? If it’s assur (or one wished to be machmir), how would one go about observing the prohibition in parts of America where...
by kashrut_admin | May 8, 2021 | Kashrut
Hello, I was wondering if/how one can maintain a kosher kitchen in a small condo. Typically a small kitchen with little space to have seperate counters. One sink, one microwave, one stove, and one dishwasher. Does one need to give up cooking dairy? Or is there a more...
by kashrut_admin | May 8, 2021 | Kashrut
Hi are these kosher? I can’t seem to find a hecsher
by kashrut_admin | Apr 13, 2021 | Kashrut
Hello, I have a question regarding the kashrut status of the Liquid IV Hydration multiplier (picture and ingredients attached below). My doctor recommended it to me (not prescribed as a medical necessity) but it does not contain a hekhsher, even though it mainly...
by kashrut_admin | Mar 25, 2021 | Kosher Products
hi rabbi – are the below ok for pesah? thank you so much! lara bar lemon: dates, almonds, cashews, lemon juice concentrate, dried lemon juice concentrate, lemon oil. no cow lemon meringue pie: protein blend (brown rice protein, pea protein), soluble corn fiber,...