by kashrut_admin | Mar 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Is a bandaid on a cut on one’s finger a chatzitza for netilas yedaim? Does it matter if the cut would bleed if the bandaid was removed?
by kashrut_admin | Oct 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
If I buy a fruit tree to plant in the ground, do I have to be concerned about orlah? Revay? I’ve heard that it’s not uncommon for the dirt to get knocked off the roots at some point.
by kashrut_admin | Aug 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hi Thanks for all the work you do for us. What time do fasts go out? Thanks Yehuda
by kashrut_admin | Jun 21, 2021 | Uncategorized
highly recommended Health Specialist provides his PATIENTS WITH herbs and subscribes the herbs be taken with hot water like tea. I have no knowledge of the origins of the herbs which look like tiny pebbles the size of an ant. Could I drink the herbal tea since it is...
by kashrut_admin | Jul 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
With 17th of Tammuz coming up in a few days, and 9th Av three weeks later, several people have suggested that fasting might be a danger, as it could weaken one’s resistance to the COVID virus. What is the Rav’s ruling in this case for an otherwise healthy...
by kashrut_admin | May 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
According to Sefardic tradition can a wedding be held during Tammuz, during the three weeks but prior to the nine days of Av? I read that Rabbi Yosef allowed such a wedding when he was chief rabbi of Tel Aviv.