Orlah bechutz laaretz

If I buy a fruit tree to plant in the ground, do I have to be concerned about orlah? Revay? I’ve heard that it’s not uncommon for the dirt to get knocked off the roots at some point.

kosher herb

highly recommended Health Specialist provides his PATIENTS WITH herbs and subscribes the herbs be taken with hot water like tea. I have no knowledge of the origins of the herbs which look like tiny pebbles the size of an ant. Could I drink the herbal tea since it is...

Fasting During Pandemic

With 17th of Tammuz coming up in a few days, and 9th Av three weeks later, several people have suggested that fasting might be a danger, as it could weaken one’s resistance to the COVID virus. What is the Rav’s ruling in this case for an otherwise healthy...


According to Sefardic tradition can a wedding be held during Tammuz, during the three weeks but prior to the nine days of Av? I read that Rabbi Yosef allowed such a wedding when he was chief rabbi of Tel Aviv.