Returning to the other store

if I bought two  of the exact same pairs of shoes from two stores, let’s say Macy’s and Marshall’s, that are completely seperately owned. Can I return the one I bought from Macy’s to Marshall’s.  what is Rav Yitzchak abadi’s opinion on this....

Mikvah options during Corona

Dear Rabbi Abadi, My wife is unable to go to the mikvah due to coronavirus restrictions.  I have heard that in a sha’at had’chak situation such as this one, there might be other options that are satisfactory.  We do have a hot tub in our backyard that is not...

Mikve and Corona Virus

How can we avoid exposure to corona virus but at the same time go to the mikve nowadays ?  Can we use and alternative for dipping ? I read in your article something about a possible allowance with swimming pools ? How does that work ?  Thank...