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Saucy susan
Ingredients:apricots,high fructose corn syrup,peaches, vinegar,water ,modified corn starch. This chart does not have an OU. If you still at one time. I do not know what source the vinegar is from....
Wikipedia says that glycerin has a sweet taste. If glycerin is an ingredient, do you have to assertain that it's from a vegetarian source?
Love Hashem, your God
A few people asked me, how can there be such a commandment to love someone? It almost seems absurd.
365 Whole Foods Market Stick-Style Surimi Seafood
Hello Made with wild caught alaska pollock fully cooked and ready to eat Is this kosher? TIA
Albanese Gummy Bears
are these ok to eat?
Taking from an Existing Flame
My Dear Haham, I was intrigued by your reply to a recent question regarding use of digital stove top settings on yom tob. Your reply was as follows: "That whole concept of only taking from an...
Shop Rite Swiss Cheese – Is this kosher?
bonito flakes
“Ingredient Kosher” for Vegans
If I'm looking at a vegan product for year-round, what are the potentially-problematic ingredients to look out for? I presume vinegar, but anything else? I want to be able to decide for myself and...
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